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Fusion 360 How to change units in the part and drawing

Jun 19, 2020


Fusion 360 How to change units in the part and drawing walk through.

How do we change the units in the part first head over to document settings, click this little edit button. It's going to bring up these units. This is where we can change the units. And you can also override your preferences. So if you'd like inches to become the defaults like that, checkbox, if it's already checked, then that's your default. So I actually, usually I work in millimeters pretty often. So I'm going to leave that checked. One thing to note is if I switched to inches right now, look at this sketch. It's drawn at 2.36, everything was actually drawn in millimeters and it just converted it. So everything is to scale. So if I switched to millimeters, this is not going to be 2.3 millimeters. It's going to be 25 times 25.4 times this. So roughly 60. Right?


So if I flip it back, go to millimeter, that's 60. So everything is drawn to scale. Just keep that in mind, when you are changing between your units. What about the drawing? Let's look at that. So this is a huge gap for me with Fusion 360. I can't wait until this gets fixed, but in the drawing, you cannot change the units. You have to be very careful when you're doing a new drawing. So if I say new drawing, let's say from a template, this question is critical. What units are you working in in the drawing? There's not a way today to change them. So head over to the Fusion 360 forums and submit a request. And hopefully we'll see that update in the future at some point. Thanks for watching. See in the next video.



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