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Fusion 360 How to find dimensions for hole tool

Jun 19, 2020



Did you know that there's a quick way to find the dimensions of a counterbore countersink hole?


So when you're doing the whole tool infusion and you choose counter sink, how do you find these dimensions? So I was trying to do a number twelves screw. I didn't know where to find this other than finding, you know, digging out my machinist handbook or going and pouring through different drill charts. And I actually struggled to find it. So a quick way to find this, go to your McMaster-Carr right within fusion. I'm going to search for wood screws, search for a number 12. There's a Phillips head set, the right depth that I want for the screw. Go to that product detail down below, expand this so we can see a little bit better, but down below, you've got the overall diameter. We've got this smaller diameter, we've got the angle of the head and that's all I need. Now. I just fill out these values. Hey, if you've got a better way or faster way to find that information, let me know in the comments. I would love to find out a better way to do it than that. And if you're looking for a beginner series, check this one out or check out the 23 tips that beginners should learn. Thanks for watching. See you in the next video.



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