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Fusion 360 - How To Use Primitives - When To Avoid

Apr 16, 2020


The feature, I think you should avoid infusion coming up.

Hey, this is Tyler Beck with tech and espresso. Today. Let's talk about the thing that I try to avoid when I'm sketching and fusion. It's great idea to use dimensions on your sketches and to define what you want so that you can edit it later, right? And connecting it to the origin. That's where your planes are. It's going to make your life easier. When you extrude this simple shape here, a box, you now have everything fully editable in the design history, edit the sketch. You can change the height and width and at the feature you can edit the depth. So when I'm looking at this sketch and I look at this connected to the origin, we can drag this away and I have to reconnect it. But I now can dimension to the origin and control.


Now I can control where this sits in space, right? All of this is normal functional behavior infusion and most CAD systems. But if you use a perimitive infusion, go to your create tool, you can do a box cylinder, spheres, coil pipe. All of these guys they're meant for building samples. Examples quickly, you can drag this in and you can, yes, control the length, height, and width, but that's it. It's just a simple feature that lives in the tree. And you can't control the depth, but you can't really control the placement very well. Right? You can't control constraints to edges. You don't have sketches that you can manipulate. You can't change from what was a rectangular sketch and add any additional features. So the question is to you, should you avoid them at all costs? What I've read on the forums is these are great for building out little examples when you're just kind of exploring and playing right, a Taurus.


This would take a couple of sketches to build that a coil very similar, right? This is not something you can build really quickly, but I can with a primitive, it's just not very editable. So that's my head's up for you users out there. Definitely be careful be wary of these primitives, know when you're using them. That they're very simple. They're meant for speed. Just so you can create an object really fast. I almost never use them because I want to be able to go back, edit the sketch, redefine what I want and follow my design intent. Hope that helps. Thanks for watching.



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