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Fusion 360 Types of Rectangles

Sep 23, 2020

Fusion 360 3 Different Types of Rectangles

Hey, Tyler Beck with tech and espresso today, we're talking about the three different types of rectangles and fusion. So let's jump right in. I'm going to start a new design and look at this. So the first one that has come up over my career many times is how do I sketch a rectangle right on the origin and have it centered and all the points centered. Um, some companies require that their engineers use that. So a few different ways to get there is the pull down, go to rectangle and go to that, that extension. You can see the three different types. You can also get there another way, click this rectangle. And over on the right before you place it, you can actually change which option to use. So if I choose center rectangle place, it, it uses construction lines, uh, off the centered object, which is pretty cool. I love that those are there. And if we now extrude that, because it's centered on the origin. If we center the symmetric cube or walk, now all three planes are going to be right in the middle of this block. Pretty cool. So that's a good or an advantage of using that center rectangle. Alright, let's do another one.

Okay. So if you want to sketch on the same plane, okay. Let's start the next sketch, select the plane or the face. We're going to sketch on that. I'm going to use the two point rectangle. So this is end to end, kind of like you'd guess. So in this case, if I was trying to line it up, that's not ideal. Right? So that's where I'd want to maybe try this 3.3 point is awesome for aligning to, you know, other objects so I can align and then just extend. And then if we wanted to maybe, you know, bring this out an angle, Okay, I'm going to make these two parallel.

Let's do parallel and then perpendicular.

Great. Okay. So same thing. When you need to align to something that's off at an angle. That's where that three point rectangle is awesome. And the other way to get to any of your rectangles S keys search, and then type in rectangle, you can see all three. They're pretty sweet. I'm gonna do the three point connect to these end points, extend out. All right. So that's three rectangles. You should know about if you're trying to learn fusion three 60, check out these other videos, see you in the next one. Thanks.



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